
Het komt steeds vaker voor dat de hulp wordt ingeroepen van digitaal forensisch onderzoekers. Onderzoek van pc's, netwerken, mobiele telefoons en aanverwante media vragen diepgaande kennis. Naast deze kennis zijn de tools voor het achterhalen van bepaalde gegevens en de interpretatie van gegevens zeer belangrijk. Deze blog zal proberen oplossingen aan te dragen voor hulp bij digitaal onderzoek. Verschillende tools passeren de revue, interessante artikelen worden verder uitgediept, links naar andere forensische sites en handleidingen ter ondersteuning komen aan bod.
ip information

dinsdag 31 juli 2007

Gnucitizen's GHDB

GNUCITIZEN is a creative hacker organization. So, what does that mean? Well, it means that everything on GNUCITIZEN is about creativity and hacking. It also means that the content and all projects released as part of the organization are written and developed by, guess what, creative hackers. Creativity and hacking are closely related terms and very often they can substitute each other, but we like to put them together just to stress our identity.

How does GNUCITIZEN differentiate from other hacker organizations? Although 99.9% of the content published under the GNUCITIZEN hat is mostly about security, we tackle hacking from many different angles. To hack something does not necessarily means to penetrate it security-wise. Hacking is a creative form of expressing ourselves in a clever way. GNUCITIZEN members fall back to IT security very often, since this is what we can do best. However, we have other creative project on the line as well. Currently we concentrate our efforts on the Web2.0 sphere. We find it a very fascinating thing to work on.

GHDB (a.k.a. Google Hacking Database) is HTML/JavaScript wrapper application that uses advance JavaScript techniques to scrape information from Johnny’s Google Hacking Database without the need for hosted server side scripts.

In attempt to show the real dangers of AJAX APIs they’ve created a completely harmless interface to Johnny’s Google Hacking Database. Keep in mind that no service side scripts are required from the Gnucitizen side. Also, keep in mind that all they provide is a single HTML page with a few JavaScript files to glue the interface together.

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